Friday, August 27, 2021

INFDS (File Information Data Structure)

* -------------------------------------------------------------------
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
 * The INFDS contains the following feedback information:
 * File Feedback (length is 80)
 * Open Feedback (length is 160)
 * Input/Output Feedback (length is 126)
 * Device Specific Feedback (length is variable)
 * Get Attributes Feedback (length is variable)
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Standard RPG feedback area 1-80
 * -------------------------------
 D File *FILE
 * * File name
 D OpenInd 9 9
 * * File open?
 D EOFInd 10 10
 * * File at eof?
 D FileStatus *STATUS
 * * Status code
 * * Last opcode
 D Routinr *ROUTINE
 * * RPG Routine
 D ListNum 30 37
 * * Listing line
 D SpclStat 38 42S 0
 * * SPECIAL status
 D RecordFmt *RECORD
 * * Record name
 D MsgID 46 52
 * * Error MSGID
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * The next 4 fields are available after POST
 D Screen_P *SIZE
 * * Screen size
 * * NLS Input?
 * * NLS Output?
 * * NLS Mode?
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Open feedback area 81-240
 * NOTE that getting data beyond column 80 is expensive
 * in terms of program opens...
 D ODP_TYPE 81 82
 * * ODP Type
 D FILE_NAME 83 92
 * * File name
 D LIBRARY 93 102
 * * Library name
 D SPOOL_FILE 103 112
 * * Spool file name
 D SPOOL_LIB 113 122
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 * * Spool file lib
 D SPOOL_NUM 123 124I 0
 * * Spool file num
 D RCD_LEN 125 126I 0
 * * Max record len
 D KEY_LEN 127 128I 0
 * * Max key len
 D MEMBER 129 138
 * * Member name
 D TYPE 147 148I 0
 * * File type
 D ROWS 152 153I 0
 * * Num PRT/DSP rows
 D COLUMNS 154 155I 0
 * * Num PRT/DSP cols
 D NUM_RCDS 156 159I 0
 * * Num of records
 D ACC_TYPE 160 161
 * * Access type
 D DUP_KEY 162 162
 * * Duplicate key?
 D SRC_FILE 163 163
 * * Source file?
 D VOL_OFF 184 185I 0
 * * Vol label offs
 D BLK_RCDS 186 187I 0
 * * Max rcds in bl
 D OVERFLOW 188 189I 0
 * * Overflow line
 D BLK_INCR 190 191I 0
 * * Blk increment
 D FLAGS1 196 196
 * * Misc flags
 D REQUESTER 197 206
 * * Requester name
 D OPEN_COUNT 207 208I 0
 * * Open count
 D BASED_MBRS 211 212I 0
 * * Num based mbrs
 D FLAGS2 213 213
 * * Misc flags
 D OPEN_ID 214 215
 * * Open identifie
 D RCDFMT_LEN 216 217I 0
 * * Max rcd fmt le
 D CCSID 218 219I 0
 * * Database CCSID
 D FLAGS3 220 220
 * * Misc flags
 D NUM_DEVS 227 228I 0
 * * Num devs defin
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * I/O feedback area 241-366
 * * 241-242 not used
 D WRITE_CNT 243 246I 0
 * * Write count
 D READ_CNT 247 250I 0
 * * Read count
 D WRTRD_CNT 251 254I 0
 * * Write/read count
 D OTHER_CNT 255 258I 0
 * * Other I/O count
 D OPERATION 260 260
 * * Cuurent operatio
 D IO_RCD_FMT 261 270
 * * Rcd format name
 D DEV_CLASS 271 272
 * * Device class
 D IO_PGM_DEV 273 282
 * * Pgm device name
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 D IO_RCD_LEN 283 286I 0
 * * Rcd len of I/O
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * POST area 241-nnn
 * Display
 D PGM_DEV_P 241 250
 * * Program device
 D DEV_DSC_P 251 260
 * * Dev description
 D USER_ID_P 261 270
 * * User ID
 D DEV_CLASS_P 271 271
 * * Device class
 D DEV_TYPE_P 272 277
 * * Device type
 D REQ_DEV_P 278 278
 * * Requester?
 D ACQ_STAT_P 279 279
 * * Acquire status
 D INV_STAT_P 280 280
 * * Invite status
 D DATA_AVAIL_P 281 281
 * * Data available
 D NUM_ROWS_P 282 283I 0
 * * Number of rows
 D NUM_COLS_P 284 285I 0
 * * Number of cols
 D BLINK_P 286 286
 * * Allow blink?
 D LINE_STAT_P 287 287
 * * Online/offline?
 D DSP_LOC_P 288 288
 * * Display location
 D DSP_TYPE_P 289 289
 * * Display type
 D KBD_TYPE_P 290 290
 * * Keyboard type
 D CTL_INFO_P 342 342
 * * Controller info
 D COLOR_DSP_P 343 343
 * * Color capable?
 D GRID_DSP_P 344 344
 * * Grid line dsp?
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * The following fields apply to ISDN.
 D ISDN_LEN_P 385 386I 0
 * * Rmt number len
 D ISDN_TYPE_P 387 388
 * * Rmt number type
 D ISDN_PLAN_P 389 390
 * * Rmt number plan
 D ISDN_NUM_P 391 430
 * * Rmt number
 D ISDN_SLEN_P 435 436I 0
 * * Rmt sub-address
 D ISDN_STYPE_P 437 438
 * * Rmt sub-address
 D ISDN_SNUM_P 439 478
 * * Rmt sub-address
 D ISDN_CON_P 480 480
 * * Connection
 D ISDN_RLEN_P 481 482I 0
 * * Rmt address len
 D ISDN_RNUM_P 483 514
 * * Rmt address
 D ISDN_ELEN_P 519 520
 * * Extension len
 D ISDN_ETYPE_P 521 521
 * * Extension type
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 D ISDN_ENUM_P 522 561
 * * Extension num
 D ISDN_XTYPE_P 566 566
 * * X.25 call type
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * ICF
 D PGM_DEV_P 241 250
 * * Program device
 D DEV_DSC_P 251 260
 * * Dev description
 D USER_ID_P 261 270
 * * User ID
 D DEV_CLASS_P 271 271
 * * Device class
 D DEV_TYPE_P 272 272
 * * Device type
 D REQ_DEV_P 278 278
 * * Requester?
 D ACQ_STAT_P 279 279
 * * Acquire status
 D INV_STAT_P 280 280
 * * Invite status
 D DATA_AVAIL_P 281 281
 * * Data available
 D SES_STAT_P 291 291
 * * Session status
 D SYNC_LVL_P 292 292
 * * Synch level
 D CONV_TYPE_P 293 293
 * * Conversation typ
 D RMT_LOC_P 294 301
 * * Remote location
 D LCL_LU_P 302 309
 * * Local LU name
 D LCL_NETID_P 310 317
 * * Local net ID
 D RMT_LU_P 318 325
 * * Remote LU
 D RMT_NETID_P 326 333
 * * Remote net ID
 D APPC_MODE_P 334 341
 * * APPC Mode
 D LU6_STATE_P 345 345
 * * LU6 conv state
 D LU6_COR_P 346 353
 * * LU6 conv
 * * correlator
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * The following fields apply to ISDN.
 D ISDN_LEN 385 386I 0
 * * Rmt number len
 D ISDN_TYPE 387 388
 * * Rmt number type
 D ISDN_PLAN 389 390
 * * Rmt number plan
 D ISDN_NUM 391 430
 * * Rmt number
 D ISDN_SLEN 435 436I 0
 * * sub-addr len
 D ISDN_STYPE 437 438
 * * sub-addr type
 D ISDN_SNUM 439 478
 * * Rmt sub-address
 D ISDN_CON 480 480
 * * Connection
 D ISDN_RLEN 481 482I 0
 * * Rmt address len
 D ISDN_RNUM 483 514
 * * Rmt address
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 D ISDN_ELEN 519 520
 * * Extension len
 D ISDN_ETYPE 521 521
 * * Extension type
 D ISDN_ENUM 522 561
 * * Extension num
 D ISDN_XTYPE 566 566
 * * X.25 call type
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * The following information available only when program started
 * result of a received program start req. (P_ stands for protected)
 D TRAN_PGM 567 630
 * * Trans pgm name
 D P_LUWIDLN 631 631
 * * LUWID fld len
 D P_LUNAMELN 632 632
 * * LU-NAME len
 D P_LUNAME 633 649
 * * LU-NAME
 D P_LUWIDIN 650 655
 * * LUWID instance
 D P_LUWIDSEQ 656 657I 0
 * * LUWID seq num
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Below info is available only when a protected conversation
 * is started on a remote system. (U_ stands for unprotected)
 D U_LUWIDLN 658 658
 * * LUWID fld len
 D U_LUNAMELN 659 659
 * * LU-NAME len
 D U_LUNAME 660 676
 * * LU-NAME
 D U_LUWIDIN 677 682
 * * LUWID instance
 D U_LUWIDSEQ 683 684I 0
 * * LUWID seq num
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Device independent area 367-nnn
 * NOTE that this area is shared with the POST feedback area above!
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Printer
 D CUR_LINE 367 368I 0
 * * Current line num
 D CUR_PAGE 369 372I 0
 * * Current page cnt
 D PRT_MAJOR 401 402
 * * Major ret code
 D PRT_MINOR 403 404
 * * Minor ret code
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Disk
 D FDBK_SIZE 367 370I 0
 * * Size of DB fdbk
 D JOIN_BITS 371 374I 0
 * * JFILE bits
 D LOCK_RCDS 377 378I 0
 * * Nbr locked rcds
 D POS_BITS 385 385
 * * File pos bits
 D DLT_BITS 384 384
 * * Rcd deleted bits
 D NUM_KEYS 387 388I 0
 * * Num keys (bin)
 D KEY_LEN 393 394I 0
 * * Key length
 D MBR_NUM 395 396I 0
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 * * Member number
 D DB_RRN 397 400I 0
 * * Relative-rcd-num
 D KEY 401 2400
 * * Key value (max
 * * size 2000)
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * ICF
 D ICF_AID 369 369
 * * AID byte
 D ICF_LEN 372 375I 0
 * * Actual data len
 D ICF_MAJOR 401 402
 * * Major ret code
 D ICF_MINOR 403 404
 * * Minor ret code
 D SNA_SENSE 405 412
 * * SNA sense rc
 D SAFE_IND 413 413
 * * Safe indicator
 D RQSWRT 415 415
 * * Request write
 D RMT_FMT 416 425
 * * Remote rcd fmt
 D ICF_MODE 430 437
 * * Mode name
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Display
 D DSP_FLAG1 367 368
 * * Display flags
 D DSP_AID 369 369
 * * AID byte
 D CURSOR 370 371
 * * Cursor location
 D DATA_LEN 372 375I 0
 * * Actual data len
 D SF_RRN 376 377I 0
 * * Subfile rrn
 D MIN_RRN 378 379I 0
 * * Subfile min rrn
 D NUM_RCDS 380 381I 0
 * * Subfile num rcds
 D ACT_CURS 382 383
 * * Active window
 * * cursor location
 D DSP_MAJOR 401 402
 * * Major ret code
 D DSP_MINOR 403 404
 * * Minor ret code
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* -------------------------------------------------------------
 * Program Status Data Structure -- PSDS
* -------------------------------------------------------------
 * Procedure name
 * Status code
 D PRV_STATUS 16 20S 0
 * Previous status
 D LINE_NUM 21 28
 * Src list line nu
 * Routine name
 * Num passed parms
 D EXCP_TYPE 40 42
 * Exception type
 D EXCP_NUM 43 46
 * Exception number
 D PGM_LIB 81 90
 * Program library
 D EXCP_DATA 91 170
 * Exception data
 D EXCP_ID 171 174
 * Exception Id
 D DATE 191 198
 * Date (DATE fmt)
 D YEAR 199 200S 0
 * Year (YEAR fmt)
 D LAST_FILE 201 208
 * Last file used
 D FILE_INFO 209 243
 * File error info
 D JOB_NAME 244 253
 * Job name
 D USER 254 263
 * User name
 D JOB_NUM 264 269S 0
 * Job number
 D JOB_DATE 270 275S 0
 * Date (UDATE fmt)
 D RUN_DATE 276 281S 0
 * Run date (UDATE)
 D RUN_TIME 282 287S 0
 * Run time (UDATE)
 D CRT_DATE 288 293
 * Create date
 D CRT_TIME 294 299
 * Create time
 D CPL_LEVEL 300 303
 * Compiler level
 D SRC_FILE 304 313
 * Source file
 D SRC_LIB 314 323
 * Source file lib
 D SRC_MBR 324 333
 * Source file mbr
 D PROC_PGM 334 343
 * Pgm Proc is in
 D PROC_MOD 344 353
 * Mod Proc is in
 D CURR_USER 358 367
 * Mod Proc is in
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
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 * Values of PGM_STATUS (*STATUS) -- if %Status = 00100 ...
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * Normal Codes
 * Code Condition
 * 00000 No exception/error occurred
 * 00001 Called program returned with the LR indicator on.
 * Exception/Error Codes
 * Code Condition
 * 00100 Value out of range for string operation
 * 00101 Negative square root
 * 00102 Divide by zero
 * 00103 An intermediate result is not large enough to
 * contain the result.
 * 00104 Float underflow. An intermediate value is too
 * small to be contained in the intermediate
 * result field
 * 00112 Invalid Date, Time or Timestamp value.
 * 00113 Date overflow or underflow. (For example, when
 * the result of a Date calculation
 * results in a number greater than HIVAL or less
 * than LOVAL.)
 * 00114 Date mapping errors, where a Date is mapped from a 4
 * character year to a 2 character year and the date range
 * is not 1940-2039.
 * 00120 Table or array out of sequence.
 * 00121 Array index not valid
 * 00122 OCCUR outside of range
 * 00123 Reset attempted during initialization step of program
 * 00202 Called program or procedure failed; halt indicator
 * (H1 through H9) not on
 * 00211 Error calling program or procedure
 * 00222 Pointer or parameter error
 * 00231 Called program or procedure returned with halt
 * indicator on
 * 00232 Halt indicator on in this program
 * 00233 Halt indicator on when RETURN operation run
 * 00299 RPG IV formatted dump failed
 * 00333 Error on DSPLY operation
 * 00401 Data area specified on IN/OUT not found
 * 00402 PDA not valid for non-prestart job
 * 00411 Data area type or length does not match
 * 00412 Data area not locked for output
 * 00413 Error on IN/OUT operation
 * 00414 User not authorized to use data area
 * 00415 User not authorized to change data area
 * 00421 Error on UNLOCK operation
 * 00425 Length requested for storage allocation is out of range
 * 00426 Error encountered during storage management operation
 * 00431 Data area previously locked by another program
 * 00432 Data area locked by program in the same process
 * 00450 Character field not entirely enclosed by shift-out
 * and shift-in characters
 * 00501 Failure to retrieve sort sequence.
 * 00502 Failure to convert sort sequence.
 * 00802 Commitment control not active.
 * 00803 Rollback operation failed.
 * 00804 Error occurred on COMMIT operation
 * 00805 Error occurred on ROLBK operation
 * 00907 Decimal data error (digit or sign not valid)
 * 00970 The level number of the compiler used to generate
 * the program does not agree with the level number
 * of the RPG IV run-time subroutines
 * 09998 Internal failure in ILE RPG/400 compiler or in
 * run-time subroutines

 * 09999 Program exception in system routine.