Friday, November 27, 2015

Function-key indicator

Function-key indicator

When creating a display file, you can either specify resulting indicators for function keys, or leave the resulting indicators out, and use the *INKx indicators to check if a function key was pressed. (You must still allow the function key by specifying CAxx or CFxx in the display file)

Here is a list of function-key indicators:

*INKA - F1
*INKB - F2
*INKC - F3
*INKD - F4
*INKE - F5
*INKF - F6
*INKG - F7
*INKH - F8
*INKI - F9
*INKJ - F10
*INKK - F11
*INKL - F12
*INKM - F13
*INKN - F14
*INKP - F15
*INKQ - F16
*INKR - F17
*INKS - F18
*INKT - F19
*INKU - F20
*INKV - F21
*INKW - F22
*INKX - F23
*INKY - F24

Notice there is no indicator *INKO.