Monday, July 31, 2017

Qualified Data Structure

Figure 1 shows the definition and usage of a qualified data structure. The data structure contains the components of a phone number. The use of the QUALIFIED keyword on the DS line identifies the data structure as being qualified. This means that all references to the subfields in the data structure must be qualified with the data structure name using a dot notation (data structure name dot field name – DSNAME.SUBFIELD). The subfields in the qualified data structure may not be referenced by their field name alone.
D Phone           DS                  Qualified
D  CountryCode                   5    Varying
D  NDDPrefix                     5    Varying
D  AreaCode                      5    Varying
D  Number                        9    Varying
D  Extension                     4    Varying
D  IDDPrefix                     5    Varying Dim(5)
   If Phone.CountryCode <> '353' ;
      DialNumber = Phone.IDDPrefix(1) + Phone.CountryCode;
      DialNumber = Phone.NDDPrefix;
   DialNumber = DialNumber + ' ' + Phone.AreaCode + Phone.Number;
Figure 1: Definition and use of a qualified data structure
Qualified data structures mean that you can now have the same field name in multiple data structures. It is even possible to have different definitions (data type, length) for a field in different data structures (possible but not desirable).
The LIKEDS keyword allows you to define a data structure like another data structure; just as the LIKE keyword allows you to define a field like another field. The example in Figure 2 shows the definition of three data structures for phone numbers, each one being like the phone data structure. Data structures that are defined using LIKEDS are implicitly qualified (even if the parent data structure is not qualified) and do not need the QUALIFED keyword. Each data structure has the same subfields but the data structure name is used as a qualifier to identify which one you are using.
D Phone           DS                  Qualified
D  CountryCode                   5    Varying
D  NDDPrefix                     5    Varying
D  AreaCode                      5    Varying
D  Number                        9    Varying
D  Extension                     4    Varying
D  IDDPrefix                     5    Varying Dim(5)
D HomePhone       DS                  LikeDS(Phone)
D CellPhone       DS                  LikeDS(Phone)
D WorkPhone       DS                  LikeDS(Phone)
 If HomePhone.CountryCode <> '353' ;
    DialNumber = HomePhone.IDDPrefix(1) + HomePhone.CountryCode;
    DialNumber = HomePhone.NDDPrefix;
 DialNumber = DialNumber + ' ' + HomePhone.AreaCode + HomePhone.Number;
Figure 2: Using LIKEDS to define data structures like a data structure
Figure 2 also demonstrates the self documentation features of qualified data structures. When you see a subfield used in the calculation code you are in no doubts as to where it is coming from.
You should note that LIKEDS does not duplicate the initialization of any subfields defined in the parent data structure but you can achieve this by specifying INZ(*LIKEDS) for the new data structure.

Using qualified data structures 

The LIKEDS keyword provides a means of defining standard structures that may be used throughout an application. In the same way as you have a copy member containing all prototypes you may also have a copy member containing a set of standard definitions .
The initial problem would be that all of these standard definitions are occupying space in a program when the program is only using one or two of the definitions.
The key here is that these "standard definitions" are for definition purposes only; they are intended only to be used as the parent for a LIKEDS. To ensure that a parent data structure does not occupy any space in a program you base the data structure on a pointer which is never assigned a value, as shown in Figure 3; therefore, the data structure never occupies any space but may still be used as the basis for a LIKEDS.
D Phone           DS                  Qualified
D                                     Based(Dummy_Ptr)
D  CountryCode                   5    Varying
D  NDDPrefix                     5    Varying
D  AreaCode                      5    Varying
D  Number                        9    Varying
D  Extension                     4    Varying
D  IDDPrefix                     5    Varying Dim(5)
Figure 3: A data structure defined for use as a standard definition
This technique has a lot of uses in your applications. As you move into the world of Integrated Language Environment (ILE) and start to use subprocedures more; you will find that you have more requirements to pass data structures as parameters between subprocedures.
But let's look at using this technique for something you might be more familiar with -- an information data structure. Assuming that the sample shown in Figure 4 is coded in a copy member named BASEFORMAT, the code shown in Figure 5 shows the definition of three files, each with a file information data structure. LIKEDS is used to define each of the file information data structures based on the standard definition in BASEFORMAT.
D Base_InfDS      Ds                  Qualified
D                                     Based(Bummy_Ptr)
D  FileName                      8
D  Open                          1
D  EOF                           1
D  Status                        5S 0
D  OpCode                        6
  // etc. etc. etc.            
Figure 4: A standard definition for a file information data structure
FMyFile1   IF   E           K Disk    InfDs(DS_MyFile1)
FMyFile2   IF   E           K Disk    InfDs(DS_MyFile2)
FMyFile3   IF   E           K Disk    InfDs(DS_MyFile3)
 /Copy BaseFormat
D DS_MyFile1      Ds                  LikeDS(Base_InfDS)
D DS_MyFile2      Ds                  LikeDS(Base_InfDS)
D DS_MyFile3      Ds                  LikeDS(Base_InfDS)
Figure 5: Defining file information data structures based on a standard definition
The other obvious use of this technique is with APIs. How about defining standard definitions for the different formats used as parameters?
This technique of defining standard structures for definition purposes is very useful and is one that I use in nearly every program that I write.

Nested data structures (V5R2) 

Qualified data structures also made possible the introduction of nested data structures which means you can define a data structure, within a data structure, within a data structure
D ContactInfo     DS                  Qualified
D  HomePhone                          LikeDS(Phone)
D  CellPhone                          LikeDS(Phone)
D  WorkPhone                          LikeDS(Phone)
   If ContactInfo.HomePhone.CountryCode <> '353' ;
      DialNumber = ContactInfo.HomePhone.IDDPrefix(1)
                   + ContactInfo.HomePhone.CountryCode;
      DialNumber = ContactInfo.HomePhone.NDDPrefix;
   DialNumber = DialNumber + ' ' + ContactInfo.HomePhone.AreaCode 
                           + ContactInfo.HomePhone.Number;
Figure 6 shows an example of the three phone data structures being defined in a data structure. A fully qualified name (DSNAME1.DSNAME2.SUBFIELD) must be used to reference any of the subfields.
D ContactInfo     DS                  Qualified
D  HomePhone                          LikeDS(Phone)
D  CellPhone                          LikeDS(Phone)
D  WorkPhone                          LikeDS(Phone)
   If ContactInfo.HomePhone.CountryCode <> '353' ;
      DialNumber = ContactInfo.HomePhone.IDDPrefix(1)
                   + ContactInfo.HomePhone.CountryCode;
      DialNumber = ContactInfo.HomePhone.NDDPrefix;
   DialNumber = DialNumber + ' ' + ContactInfo.HomePhone.AreaCode 
                           + ContactInfo.HomePhone.Number;
Figure 6: Defining nested data structures
Nested data structures may only be defined in a qualified data structure. Subfields in nested data structures may only be referenced in free form and extended Factor 2 C specs. The traditional C spec, I spec and O spec and keyword on F specs and D specs only allow you to refer subfields in a single level qualified data structure (DSNAME.SUBFIELD).

Data structure arrays (V5R2) 

Qualified data structures also led to data structure arrays -- you need never use a multiple occurrence data structure again! Defining a data structure as an array is just as it is for a field, you use the DIM keyword as shown in Figure 7 for the WorkPhone data structure. The data structure name is indexed as with any array. ContactInfo.WorkPhone(x).CountryCode refers to the CountryCode field in the xth element of the WorkPhone data structure array in the data structure ContactInfo. ContactInfo.WorkPhone(x).IDDPrefix(1) refers to the first element of the IDDPrefix array in the xth element of the WorkPhone data structure array in the data structure ContactInfo (a multi dimensional array).
D ContactInfo     DS                  Qualified
D  HomePhone                          LikeDS(Phone)
D  CellPhone                          LikeDS(Phone)
D  WorkPhone                          LikeDS(Phone) Dim(5)
   If ContactInfo.WorkPhone(x).CountryCode <> '353' ;
      DialNumber = ContactInfo.WorkPhone(x).IDDPrefix(1)
                   + ContactInfo.WorkPhone(x).CountryCode;
      DialNumber = ContactInfo.WorkPhone(x).NDDPrefix;
   DialNumber = DialNumber + ' ' + ContactInfo.WorkPhone(x).AreaCode 
                           + ContactInfo.WorkPhone(x).Number;
Figure 7: Defining and using data structure arrays


QUALIFIED and LIKEDS are not the only ways of defining a qualified data structure. The LIKEREC keyword defines a data structure like a record format of a file defined on the file specs and, as with LIKEDS, the data structure is implicitly qualified. Figure 8 shows the definition of three data structures using the LIKEREC keyword. The first parameter identifies the MyFileRec record format (i.e. the name of the record format on the file MyFile). The second parameter identifies which fields are included in the data structure; *KEY for key fields, *INPUT for input fields and *OUTPUT for output fields. The ForKey data structure is used as an argument for the *KDS built in function when chaining to the file and the record is placed in the ForInput data structure. The data in the ForOutput data structure is written to the file.
FMyFile    UF A E          K  Disk
D ForKey          DS                  LikeRec(MyFileRec:*Key)
D ForInput        DS                  LikeRec(MyFileRec:*Input)
D ForOutput       DS                  LikeRec(MyFileRec:*Output)
       Chain %KDS(ForKey) MyFileRec ForInput;
       Write MyFileRec ForOutput;
Figure 8: Using the LIKEREC keyword
Note that the record format name must be used on all file operations that read a record into or output a record from a data structure. Also, the *INPUT value must be specified for any data structure that will be used for an input operation and *OUTPUT must be specified for any data structure that will be used with an output operation.

EVAL-CORR (V5R4) (Assign corresponding subfields)

And finally, there is the EVAL-CORR operation. A feature that has long been available in COBOL and now has a role to play in RPG. The EVAL-CORR operation copies the contents of fields from one data structure to fields of the same name and compatible data definition in another data structure. Figure 9 shows an example of using the EVAL-CORR operation to copy the contents of fields from the DS1 data structure to the DS2 data structure. The contents of the Name and Balance fields are copied since they are the same field names and data types (even though the length of the Name field is longer in Ds2). The content of the Area field is not copied since it is a packed numeric field in DS1 and a character field in DS2. Of course, the more fields you have in the data structures the more useful EVAL-CORR is.
D Ds1             DS                  Qualified
D  Name                         30A
D  Address1                     30A
D  Balance                      11P 2
D  Area                          5P 0
D Ds2             DS                  Qualified
D  Balance                      13P 2
D  Name                         35A
D  City                         30A
D  Area                          5A
    Eval-Corr Ds2 = Ds1;
  // This is the same as
  //  Ds2.Balance = Ds1.Balance;
  //  Ds2.Name = Ds1.Name;
Figure 9: Using the EVAL-CORR operation
The compiler generates messages identifying which fields are and are not copied and why.
You may also specify extenders of H, M and R but they are only available in free format, there is not enough room for EVAL-CORR and an extender in the 10 character operation code in fixed format or extended factor 2.

The EVAL-CORR operation assigns data and null-indicators from the corresponding subfields of the source data structure to the subfields of the target data structure. The subfields that are assigned are the subfields that have the same name and compatible data type in both data structures. For example, if data structure DS1 has character subfields A, B, and C, and data structure DS2 has character subfields B, C, and D, statement
will assign data from subfields DS2.B and DS2.C to DS1.B and DS1.C. Null-capable subfields in the target data structure that are affected by the EVAL-CORR operation will also have their null-indicators set from the null-indicator from the source data structure's subfield, or to *OFF, if the source subfield is not null-capable.
If an operation code extender H is specified, the half-adjust function applies on all numeric assignments. Extenders for EVAL-CORR can be specified only in Free-form calculations.
If operation code extender M or R is specified, it applies to the arguments of any procedure call specified as part of the source or target expression. Extenders for EVAL-CORR can be specified only in Free-form calculations.
The EVAL-CORR Summary section in the compiler listing can be used to determine
·         which subfields were selected to be affected by the EVAL-CORR operation
·         for subfields not selected, the reason the subfield was not selected
·         for subfields that are selected, any additional information about the subfields such as a difference in the dimension or null-capability of the subfields.
See the Rational Development Studio for i: ILE RPG Programmer's Guide for more information about the EVAL-CORR Summary section.
Remember the following when using the EVAL-CORR operation:
·         Operation code EVAL-CORR may be coded either in free-form calculations or in fixed-form calculations. When coded in fixed-form calculations, the assignment expression is coded in the Extended Factor 2 entry, with the Factor 1 entry left blank.
·         The source and target operands must both be data structure variables, including data structure subfields defined with LIKEDS or LIKEREC.
·         The operands may be qualified or unqualified data structures. However, for the operation to be successful, at least one of the operands must be a qualified data structure; otherwise, it would not be possible for the two data structures to have any subfields with the same name.
·         The subfields involved in the assignment are those that have the same name in both data structures and have data types that are compatible for assignment using EVAL.
·         When comparing the subfield names to find corresponding subfieds, the names used are the internal program names; the internal program names may be different from the external names in the case of fields from externally-described files or data structures. For fields defined externally and renamed or prefixed, the name used is the name after applying the rename or prefix.
·         For subfields in the source and target that correspond by name and are both data structures defined with LIKEDS or LIKEREC, the subfields that are assigned are the corresponding subfields of the subfield data structures. If two subfields in the source and target have the same name but one is a data structure defined with LIKEDS or LIKEREC, and the other is not a data structure, the subfield is not assigned by the EVAL-CORR operation.
·         The assignment of data from the source subfields to the target subfields follows the same rules as for operation code EVAL. For example, character values are assigned left adjusted with truncation or padding with blanks for unequal lengths.
·         Data is assigned subfield by subfield by the order of subfields in the source data structure. If there are overlapping subfields in the target data structure, either due to overlapping from-and-to positions or due to the OVERLAY keyword, later assignment may overwrite earlier moves.
·         When the source and target data structures or corresponding source and target subfields which are both data structures are defined the same way with LIKEDS or LIKEREC, that is, both data structures are defined like the same data structure, the compiler will optimize the assignment and assign the data structure as a whole, and not as a series of individual subfield assignments.
·         If either the source or target operand is a multiple occurrence data structure, the current occurrence is used.
·         If you are working with arrays:
·         If the source operand is an unindexed array data structure, the target data structure must also be an array data structure.
·         If the target operand is an unindexed array data structure, the operation works on each element of the array data structure, following the same rules as EVAL with an array result. %SUBARR may be used to restrict the number of elements used in either the source or target data structure array.
·         If one subfield is an array, both subfields must be arrays. If the dimension of one array subfield is smaller than the other, only the smaller number of array elements is assigned. If the target subfield has more elements, the additional elements are unchanged by the EVAL-CORR operation.
·         If you are working with null-capable subfields:
·         EVAL-CORR automatically handles assignment of null-indicators for null-capable subfields that are not data structure subfields.
·         If both the source and target subfields are null-capable, the source subfield's null-indicator is copied to the target subfield's null-indicator.
·         If the target subfield is null-capable and the source subfield is not null-capable, the target subfield's null-indicator is set to *OFF.
·         If the source subfield is null-capable and the target subfield is not null-capable, the source subfield's null-indicator is ignored.
·         The EVAL-CORR operation sets the null-indicators for scalar and array subfields only. If a null-capable subfield is a data structure, its null-indicator will not be set by the EVAL-CORR operation; similarly, if the target data structure itself is null-capable, its null-indicator will not be set by the EVAL-CORR operation..
·         If the subfield is a data structure and a null-indicator is assigned to the data structure itself, the null-indicator is not affected by the EVAL-CORR operation.